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Database of translators and interpreters

Certification requirements and legal remedies : Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Landeswappen von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  1. General information

    The president of the Higher Regional Court in Rostock is responsible for public appointment of court interpreters and translators. For more details and application forms please refer to

    www.mv-justiz.de/gerichte-und-staatsanwaltschaften/ordentliche-gerichte/oberlandesgericht-rostock/informationen/Dolmetscher-–-Übersetzer/ Externer Link

    Applications shall be filed to the address provided below:

    Der Präsident des
    Oberlandesgerichts Rostock
    Wallstraße 3
    18055 Rostock

  2. Requirements for appointment

    Upon request under Section 3 GDolmG and/or Section 3 ÜG M-V any person can be appointed as interpreter and/or translator who:

    1. is a national of a Member State of the European Community or of a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or Switzerland or who is professionally established or has his or her residence in one of these states,
    2. is of full legal age,
    3. is suitable,
    4. lives in orderly financial conditions,
    5. is reliable and
    6. has the required expert knowledge of the German and the respective foreign languages.

    A person who has basic knowledge of legal German is deemed to have the required expert knowledge and who

    1. has passed an interpreter examination of a state or state-approved examination body or any other state or state-approved examination for the interpreter profession in Germany or
    2. has passed an examination abroad that has been recognised as being equivalent to such an examination as provided in no. 1 above.

    Generally, proofs of personal suitability to be provided are the following:

    • photocopy of the identity card or the passport,
    • current residence permit or registration certificate from the registration office (only for applicants who are not nationals of a Member State of the EU),
    • certificate of good conduct under Section 30 subsection 5 of the Federal Central Register Act.
    • a CV

    In addition, the applicant must provide a declaration under Section 3 subsection 3 no. 4 and 5 GDolmG.

    Generally, proofs of professional qualification to be provided are the following:

    • certified copy of a certificate with regard to an interpreter examination the applicant has passed before a state or state-approved examination body or of any other state or state-approved examination for the interpreter profession (in the area of: law – basic knowledge of the German legal language thus shall be deemed proven as well) or
    • certified copy of a certificate of examination taken and passed abroad that has been recognised by competent German authorities as being equivalent to such an examination under Section 3 subsection 2 no. 1 GDolmG or
    • alternatively, a proof of qualification under Section 4 GDolmG.

  3. Temporary services

    Upon request under Section 6 subsection 2 ÜG M-V interpreters and translators who are nationals of a Member State of the European Community or of a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or Switzerland and who, for the purpose of carrying out professional activities as mentioned under Section 1 ÜG M-V, legally take residence in any other Member State or another contracting state are temporarily included in the register under the provisions of Section 6 subsection 1 ÜG M-V if they want to carry out such activities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania temporarily and occasionally.

  4. Costs

    Costs shall be assessed for the procedures of the Interpreters Code pursuant to the Judicial Cost Code and Fee Waivers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (State Judicial Cost Code - LJKG).

  5. Legal Remedies

    Pursuant to sections 68 et seqq. of VwGO, an appeal may be filed against the rejection of the public appointment and general swearing-in within one month after notification of said rejection, either in writing or to be recorded before the President of the Regional Court in Rostock.

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